2019 Ordinances
001-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter XX (Zoning) of the Code of Upper Township.
002-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter XXV (Emergency Medical Services) of the Code of Upper Township.
003-2019 – An Ordinance adopting Section 3-19 of Chapter III of the Code of Upper Township.
004-2019 – Calendar Year 2019 Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to establish a CAP Bank (N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14).
005-2019 – An Ordinance revising job classifications and titles an amending Chapter V, entitled “Personnel”, of the Code of Upper Township.
006-2019 – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 021-2018 known as the Salary Ordinance for the calendar year 2019.
007-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter X of the Code of Upper Township.
008-2019 – WITHDRAWN.
009-2019 – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 021-2018 known as the Salary Ordinance for the calendar year 2019.
010-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter VII of the Code of Upper Township.
011-2019 – Authorizing the transfer of Township owned land to the Tuckahoe Volunteer Fire Company.
012-2019 – WITHDRAWN.
013-2019 – An Ordinance revising job classifications and titles and amending Chapter V, entitled “Personnel”, of the Code of Upper Township.
014-2019 – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 021-2018 known as the Salary Ordinance for the calendar year 2019.
015-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter VII of the Code of Upper Township to provide for mandatory penalties for traffic violations.
016-2019 – An Ordinance amending Revised General Ordinance Chapter XIX (Land Subdivision and Site Plan) and Chapter XX (Zoning) of the Code of Upper Township.
017-2019 – An Ordinance revising job classifications and titles and amending Chapter V, entitled “Personnel”, of the Code of Upper Township.
018-2019 – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 021-2018 known as the Salary Ordinance for the calendar year 2019.
019-2019 – Authorizing the transfer of Township owned land to Habitat for Humanity.
020-2019 – Bond Ordinance providing for various capital improvements in and by the Township of Upper, in the County of Cape May, New Jersey, appropriating $2,000,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $1,900,000 bond or notes of the Township to finance part of the cost thereof.
021-2019 – An Ordinance establishing salaries for the Township of Upper for the calendar year 2020.