Skate Park Rules And Regulations
- Open – 7 a.m. to dusk. Notice shall be posted at the Park that it is not supervised.
- Closed in inclement weather or when ramps are wet.
- Children under twelve (12) must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
- Safety gear required when using Park: shoes, helmets, kneepads, wrist guards and elbow pads
- The Park shall be used for skateboards and inline skates exclusively on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. No bicycles or scooters are permitted on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- The Park shall be used for bicycles and scooters exclusively on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. No skateboards or inline skates are permitted on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
- No motorized vehicles are permitted at any time.
- No glass containers, radios or pets inside fenced area.
- No personal belongings inside fenced area.
- No alcohol, drugs or tobacco products.
- No profanity or abusive language.
- All park users must skate safely and act respectful of each other.
- Any person who violates the park rules and regulations shall be removed from the Park and shall be subject to fines.